Ira Bea, the Beauty Queen

Ira Bea, the Beauty Queen
Ira Bea, 2 days old

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Days 18-19: June 2-3

Necks and chests now have feathers. Coq au Vanessa and Sweet Pea have red-orange developing just below their necks. Eula Mae is fitting in with the flock nicely. We do have a little bit of an issue with chickens who like to perch on the waterer and attempting to fly. The brooder isn't very tall and if they perch on top of the waterer, they can almost escape. 

In other news, we have started on the coop! We have also purchased most of the materials needed to complete the attached run. We painted the exterior a really pretty soft, red brick color which should look lovely next to the dark green shrubs that will be bordering the enclosure. 


  1. if they perch on top of the waterer, they can almost escape.

    Smart little buggars. Glad to hear things are going well!

    Oh, and Congratulations on your marriage! I wish you both many happy years together! ♥

  2. Gorgeous chicks, enjoy their 'chickie-ness, they grow FAST! Good luck with the coop, look forward to seeing it when it's finished x
